One sunny day four kids named Sete , Sanele, Lasalo and James all went to the park. “What should we play?” said Lasalo. “How about hide and seek,” said James. “Yes,” said Sete. “I’m in,” said James. “OK 1 , 2 ,3....” counting James.
They all ran away but as Sanele ran he tripped, “help,” SHOUTED Sanele. “Should we go and help him,” said Sete. “Yes,” said Lasalo. They ran back to help him but then 24, 25...... NO... he’s almost at thirty. “Ready or not, here I come,” said James. “Quick, hide behind the bushes,” said Sanele. They all ran behind the bushes. James was so close to Sanele. Senale tried to climb the tree, “help,” said Senale. Sete and Lasalo pushed Sanele up. “Quick, go higher,” said Sete. “Where are they?” said James. I hope I'm getting closer to them, maybe they're hiding together. When Sete and Lasalo got to the top, “jump” said Sete Three two one they jump, “help, my leg still hurts I can't jump, my leg still hurts” cried Sanele. They jumped back to get him and then jumped back to the other side and climbed down a bit so James couldn't see them but then James climbed up the tree and jumped to the other side then climbed down a little. James said “I found you, I win”. Let’s go home and have some lunch. “OK ,” said Sete . They walked to James’s house and had some lunch. James’s nana said, “how was it at the park?” “ Great.” answered James, Sete , Sanele and Lasalo. We were playing hide and seek. “ I found them all, they were up a big tree.” said James. “Sounds fun” said James’s nana. “It was,” said James. But Senale hurt his leg, it might be broken. “Let me have a look,” said James nana. We might have to take him to the hospital. They got to the hospital the doctor said it was broken. James’s nana called Sanele’s parents to come to the hospital. They weren’t mad at us, they were just happy because Sanele told them it was an accident but we all had fun.